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“I had the most beautiful & life transforming 3 days EVER in my life. 我過了一生中最美麗的三天, 這三天完全改變了我.”
Janet, 24, from UK.
"Words can't explain how much I gained from it! And it was really SO FUN! Must go again next year! 文字不能表達我得到了多少. 而且真係太好玩! 下年必定再去!”
Cecilia, 15, from Macau.
"I felt so honoured and I treasured this opportunity! After all, not everyone has this chance." 我很珍惜我有此榮幸參加, 畢竟不是人人有此機會!”
Arthur, 17, from Hong Kong.
Started in 2011, Joyful Feast, our Eucharistic Congress, has been the annual highlights of TOUCH. Through the format of a camp, TOUCH aims at converting the entire campsite into a shrine of conversion and inspire the deep desires in the hearts of our youngsters to seek and love Jesus. All activities are planned around the sole intentions of our conversions and commitments in pursuing for holiness in our lives. And every year, we bring together the best speakers from all over the world to deliver powerful teachings and testimonies. With the festival being totally consecrated to Mary, TOUCH pledges to remain faithful and loyalty to merely execute for heaven all the plans Our Lady and Her team have for the youth festival, and to place our full faith and trust in the Lord.
Through the miraculous hands of Our Lady and Her saintly team, Joyful Feast has grown to attract every year 500 attendees from all over the world including Hong Kong, Macau, China, Taiwan, Philippines, Europe, Americas and Africa, ranging from secondary school kids to working adults. Last year, over 200 young people responded to the Vocation Call at the end of the Festival and expressed their willingness to explore the Lord's will on them, and over 300 confessed their sins. All participants of all ages took turn on the perpetual adoration every night.
始於2011年,Joyful Feast TOUCH青年聖體大會已經成為 TOUCH 的每年焦點。通過宿營的模式,TOUCH 旨在把整個營地轉換成一個歸依聖地,激發起我們的青少年內心深處尋求和愛慕主耶穌的渴望。所有活動的規劃都是圍繞著歸依和成聖的唯一目標。每年,我們也不計成本,邀請世界各地最好的講者到來宣講有力的教導和見證。隨著我們把青年節完全奉獻給聖母瑪利亞,TOUCH 承諾對主的忠信, 只為執行聖母及其天上團隊的計劃,把青年節完全信賴及托負上主。
通過聖母及其天上團隊奇蹟般的手,Joyful Feast 已經發展至每年吸引逾500人參加,他們來自世界各地, 包括香港,澳門,中國,台灣,菲律賓,歐洲,美洲和非洲,當中不乏中學生或在職人士。去年,超過200位年輕人回應了聖召邀請,在青年節的尾聲表示願意探討上主的旨意,妥辦告解亦有超過300人。不論年齡, 所有參與者也熱心輪流徹夜恆久朝拜聖體。
The Four Pillars of Joyful Feast Eucharistic Congress
TOUCH 青年聖體大會的4大支柱
(1) Devotion to the Eucharist 虔敬聖體
(2) Devotion to Our Lady 孝愛聖母
(3) Conversions & Confessions 告解歸依
(4) Consecration & Vocations 獻身聖召

Only the Best Speakers
最強講者 不計成本 只求質素
TOUCH has always dedicated a lot of resources to inviting only the best speakers from all over the world, so you may have the best possible formation.
TOUCH 多年來一直不計成本,從世界各地邀請最強講者遠度而來,務求給予大家最佳的培育,協助彼此修德成聖。
We are afraid of boring activities as much as you are. But despite being Eucharistic and Marian centric, no one has ever complained that Joyful Feast is boring throughout the years. On the contrary, it transforms their lives. It's only a few days after all - why not give Jesus a chance?
我們跟你一樣也害怕沉悶,但歷年來數以千計的參加者不約而同的見證:縱然我們植根聖體,緊繫聖母,沒有人卻因此而覺得Joyful Feast 有半點沉悶,而且還令他們回味無窮,經驗天堂臨現人間,轉化一生。只是數天的時間,何不給耶穌一個機會?

Eucharistic & Marian Centric
植根聖體 緊繫聖母 轉化一生

A lively and joyful Faith for All
活潑信仰 全民成聖 老少咸宜
We always hear people asking: "Do you welcome adults or primary school kids?". In fact, every year, we welcome a lot of adult participants, and they enjoyed the congress as much as the younger ones did.
經常有人問,Joyful Feast 歡迎成年人或小學生嗎?我們堅信成聖無分年齡限制。因此,儘管我們與會者大多為青年,但每年亦有不少心境年青的成年人或家長參與,與青年打成一遍。
Past Highlights 歷屆精髓重溫