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WE ARE READY!!! JOYFUL FEAST 2015 TOUCH INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FESTIVAL is now open for registration. Under the leadership of Our Lady, JOYFUL FEAST has evolved into a worldwide event in 5 years, attracting thousands of youth all around Greater China, Asia, Europe and Americas to come experiencing heaven on earth. Same as in previous years, we have carefully searched around the world to bring you some of the most gifted speakers, and this year, we are honoured to have invited Fr. Michael Payyapilly, Director of the Divine Retreat Centre in Australia to be our main speaker. Fr. Michael is gifted with his preaching and healing ministries, and is always travelling around the world to give youth retreats and seminars.  Its headquarters - Divine Retreat Centre of India - is even regarded as a shrine of healing where thousands of Catholics are converted every week. Together with the international renowned programme brought to you by TOUCH, we are sure JOYFUL FEAST 2015 TOUCH INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FESTIVAL  will be another once in a lifetime opportunity. With limited availability, places do go fast. So do not hesitate and register today!


全城矚目,萬眾期待 - JOYFUL FEAST 2015 第五屆TOUCH 國際青年節現已接受報名! 依賴聖母領導,JOYFUL FEAST 在短短五年間已成為全球盛事,吸引過千中港澳台亞洲歐美等地青年每年聚首香江,經驗天堂臨現人間。今年我們也一如既往般不計成本,為你強勢請來舉世知名的國際級講者,Divine Retreat Centre 澳洲中心總監 Fr. Michael Payyapilly 來港主持。Fr. Michael 頗有講道及醫治神恩,經常穿梭世界各地舉辦青年避靜及研討會,其隸屬之印度 Divine Retreat Centre 更每週吸引萬千信友悔改歸依,恩寵滿溢。再配合TOUCH斐聲國際的精采節目,譲你史無前例地在歌舞與觸動、狂歡與熱淚之間改變你的一生。天堂臨現人間,JOYFUL FEAST 2015 第五屆TOUCH 國際青年節萬勿錯過。每年報名情況相當踴躍,而且名額有限,請不要猶豫, 別錯過這可一不可再的黃金機遇,馬上報名,給聖神一個機會在你身上再顯奇蹟!


THEME 2015


JOHN 15:15 /  若 15:15
"I do not call you servants any longer, but I have called you friends."




Fr. Michael Payyapilly, Divine Retreat Centre





DATE  日期

From 09:00 on 17 July 2015 (Friday) to 19:00 on 19 July 2015 (Sunday)

從2015年7月17日(星期五)09:00 至 2015年7月19日(星期日) 19:00



香港浸會大(浸會大學道校園)Hong Kong Baptist University (Baptist University Road Campus)





Although this is a youth festival, we firmly believe that there should not be any limits or constraints to pursing for holiness. Therefore, despite our main target audience and the majority of the attendees are youth ranging from 15-25 years old, we welcome people of all ages who have a desire for the love of Jesus. In fact, every year, there are a significant number young-at-heart adults or parents who enjoyed our programme as much as our youngsters - if not more. The only exceptions are attendees under the age of 12, regret that we cannot take you in for overnight stays owing to campsite rules, but you are welcome to join our day camps.


The youth festival is targetted for Catholics and all programme are designed with Catholics in mind. However, we also welcome any non-Catholics. While it may be a bit difficult to explain the deep spirituality meaning behind every activity to non-Catholics during the programme, our volunteers will be happy to guide you after the programme and share with you more about the Jesus we all trust and love. 








Cantonese, English or Mandarin. Simultaneous translations are available for all of these languages

粵語,英語或國語. 以上語言均設即時傳譯.




  • World Class Inspiring Talks 國際級講座

  • Healing Adoration 青年醫治祈禱

  • Our popular Singings & Dancings 我們備受歡迎的載歌載舞

  • Joyful Night of Cana Concert and Amazing Shows 加納之夜音樂會及其他精彩表演

  • Candlenight Procession and Campfire 光遊行及營火會

  • Life-transforming Adorations and Confessions 改變你一生的朝拜聖體與修和

  • Youth Masses celebrated in true joy 充滿喜樂的青年彌撒

  • Singing Farewell, Daily Parties and much more 告別音樂會, 每日派對與及其他精彩節目!



All programme subject to the Holy Spirit and changes without prior notice.














Costs are very high this year, but in view of your own salvation, we choose to charge a below-cost price. We surely do not want to discourage attendence of those desiring Jesus due to financial concerns. Yet, bills have to be paid. We seek your understanding that your generosity according to your abilities will be appreciated. You can pay any amounts within the range of suggested donations.


To simplify logistics, we choose to place our trust and faith in you and we will not collect any payment from you at the time of booking. However, our suppliers do request us to pay in advance for you to secure their services. Therefore, we regret if you need any flexibility but this booking is non-cancellable. Before the Lord we trust that you will be personally liable for the finances and will make the suggested donations to cover the costs, even if you fail to attend the event.








[A] Full Pass (Overnight) 3日2夜宿營套票 (17-19/7/15)

HK$620-780  / HK$570-690 (Students)

3 Days 2 Nights with Twin-sharing Accommodation and Meals. Registration is free at the moment. Suggested donations will be collected on day at the door.

3日2夜宿營套票(包含餐食及雙人房住宿). 建議捐款將於當天在會場收集.


NOTE: According to TOUCH and the campsite's policy, only same sex are allowed to share room, even for families. Access to dormitories of the opposite sex are prohibited at all times. You may specify your preferred roommate at the time of booking, but if you do not have one, we will do our best to match a roommate for you close to your age. 注意: 根據TOUCH和營地規定,即使為家庭,只有同性可以同房。任何時候均禁止進入異性宿舍。你可以在報名時註明你的室友,但如果你沒有的話,我們將盡量為你安排一個接近你年齡的室友。


Can't afford? Please refer to our "The Lord provides" Financial Assistance Programme below.




[B] 3 Day Pass 3天日營套票 (17-19/7/15)


Day Pass for all 3 days with meals (3 Lunches + 2 Dinners). Accommodation is NOT included in this option. Registration is free at the moment. Recommended donations will be collected on day at the door.

3天日營套票(包含午晚餐, 不含住宿). 建議捐款將於當天在會場收集.



[C] 1 Day Pass 單日日營套票


Day Pass for 1 day with meals (1 Lunch + 1 Dinner). Accommodation is NOT included in this option. Registration is free at the moment. Recommended donations will be collected on day at the door.

單日日營套票(包含午晚餐, 不含住宿). 建議捐款將於當天在會場收集.



[D] Event Only Pass 單日節目門票 (No Meals 不含食宿)

1 Day Entrance to the Event without meals and without accommodation. You can self arrange your lunch or buy from Canteen on day. Registration is free. Donations of HK$60 is welcome. 

單日節目門票 (不含食宿). 入場免費. 歡迎捐款 HK$60.





"The Lord provides" is our Financial Assistance Programme to help those who genuinely cannot afford the cost to participate in their life-transforming JOYFUL FEAST. Upon verifying the family and economical situation of the applicants, their names will then be listed in a Financial Assistance List in the order of the time of registration. TOUCH will seek then sponsors to finance a portion of their camp fee. There is never any guarantee but we do believe that "The Lord provides" if we have enough good will. In case of no sponsors, the participants will be given complimentary [D] Event Only Passes for the 3 days. 


To apply, please follow the normal registration process to register yourself and within the process, please check the box requesting for "The Lord provides" Financial Assistance Programme. Please note that the programme is valid only for [A] Full Pass (Overnight) and for those who can attend the entire programme. The sponsors reserve the right to ask the applicants to offer their time and efforts for volunteer services / charity work after the event in compensation of their fee reduction.















Limited availability - First come first served.

名額有限, 先到先得






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要下載,請點擊圖像,然後點擊圖像底部的“Go to link”。

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