Welcome, Volunteers.
Thank you to having responded to Our Lady's call to volunteer at Joyful Feast 2019!
B. Spiritual Preparation Programme (9-17 July 2019)
1. Novena to the Holy Spirit
2. Consecration to Our Lady
3. Individual Prayer Support
4. Fasting & Adoration Chain1.
The rule is intended to ensure all associates and assistants (anyone who help) are having the right attitude and expectation when they are assisting in the preparations. This is an important document that all should go through and agree to, so JOYFUL FEAST can be led in the same direction shared and agreed by all. It is better to suffer from manpower shortages than to have people with different expectations.
Anyone who work and help MUST satisfy ALL of the following requirements, and are entirely willing to be bounded by the following rules:
You must love God more than you love yourself.
You must love God more than you love TOUCH, JOYFUL FEAST or any other communities.
You must love prayers more than you love any kind of activities, even those closest to your heart.
You must believe at heart that it is the Lord who is doing the work, not any of your or others' talents or arrangements - even if it seems to be your credit in other people's eyes.
You must be absolutely humble, deny yourself, your own will and your own ego, and pledge to become a loyal servant of God, to do nothing but His will. Only in this way can you be fully working under His leadership.
You must be willing to surrender fully to the service of the real presence of Eucharistic Lord and be totally faithful to Our Lady's leadership.
You must open yourself fully for the Holy Spirit to perform His work in you and through you.
You must believe that spiritual preparations are as important, if not more, than physical preparations.
You must place conversion of souls as your top priority, and believes that it is the Holy Spirit who changes hearts.
You must believe that JOYFUL FEAST, and any element associated with it, is a grace, not anything anyone can take credit for.
You must be ready to sacrifice for Jesus, even your own life, because of His love.
You must be willing to bear the cross and suffer from any consequences joyfully and willingly, if it is the Lord's will that the event and yourself should fail.
You must have attended at least one full JOYFUL FEAST before as a participant, and are regular attendees of any adoration activities, preferably Blazing Heart.
You must be a Catholic, confirmed or soon to be confirmed.
You must be in a state of grace at the time of the event and throughout, and are willing to support our spiritual preparation programme.
Please make sure you agree from the bottom of your heart every single rule of these. If you have enquiries on any, feel free to ask and we can help you understand more about the background. However, after understanding all these, if you have hesitation to agree with any, please let us know and it is fair to you and perfectly okay for you to quit the helpers programme and join us as a participant.
Thank you for your generosity.
Spiritual preparation has long been the most important preparation for TOUCH. We would like to invite you to join our spiritual preparation for the upcoming Joyful Feast. It consists of 4 parts:
Duration: 9-17 July 2019 (9 days)
(1) Novena to the Holy Spirit
Please pray the Novena to the Holy Spirit PLUS every day during the 9 days. You are recommended to pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit, both for you and for everyone at Joyful Feast, so that our hearts can be renewed entirely.
(2) Consecration to Our Lady
With our Mother’s intercession, water will be changed into wine. We invite you to entrust the entire Joyful Feast to her motherly hands. Please pray the Prayer of Consecration to our Lady every day during the 9 days, so that all our sacrifices will be made divine and precious in the eyes of our Lord.
(3) Individual Prayer Support
This is a spiritual war. So let's gear up and support each individual coming. Please pray FOR EACH PARTICIPANT with their name in mind
1 Our Father + 1 Hail Mary + 1 Glory Be
Your assigned groups of participants will be sent to you in the Whatsapp group.
(4) Fasting & Adoration Chain
Fasting is very powerful. You may fast according to your abilities and schedules for any number of days during the 9 days. We recommend you to fast on BREAD AND WATER ONLY - but of course, you may change as according to your physical and health conditions (but not according to your desires :)). Yet, on the day of your fasting, we have to pray double - or else it is just slimming. Therefore, please go to a nearby Church for an Holy Hour during your day of fast too. You may register your day of fast HERE so we can offer your fasting together with all others' during the Youth Festival.
When you are praying and fasting, we recommend the following intentions:
For the Lord's will to be done under Our Lady's leadership
For the conversion of souls, so that all may be bathed in the shower of heavenly graces and be remained in His love forever.
For the courage of all to say yes to Jesus and do whatever He tells us to.
For those who would like to fast on bread and water, be sure to read some practical tips on Fasting before you commit.
The concept is simple. We prepare 9 days in advance - in line with novena. Why 9 days? Look at what Our Lady said in one of Her apparitions:
"Dear Children! Today also I invite you to prayer, now as never before when my plan has begun to be realized. Satan is strong and wants to sweep away my plans of peace and joy and make you think that my Son is not strong in His decisions. Therefore, I call all of you, dear children, to pray and fast still more firmly. I invite you to self-renunciation for nine days so that, with your help, everything that I desire to realize through the secrets I began in Fatima, may be fulfilled. I call you, dear children, to now grasp the importance of my coming and the seriousness of the situation. I want to save all souls and present them to God. Therefore, let us pray that everything I have begun be fully realized. Thank you for having responded to my call." -- Our Lady Queen of Peace, August 25, 1991